This is the free EPX version for academics, accessible through direct download.

It is available for sequential or parallel simulations, but is limited to test and evaluation, with a maximum number of 20 000 structural elements and 200 000 fluid elements.

Current version is EPX 2025.0 (built on October, 21st, 2024)


The versions available for download are listed below with their characteristics.

Please note that :

  1. anytime it is available (Linux ), the intel MPI (IMPI) implementation for MPI calculations is to be used. Intel MPI software can be download here.
  2. for Windows OS, the Microsoft MPI (MSMPI) is to be used. The free run-time library can be obtained here.
  3. OpenGL support for Windows OS is only available for classical DOS prompt execution environment,
  4. From EPX 2017.0, for Linux64 : glibc >= 2.14

Please also quote that the complete technical perimeter of EPX (given by the User's Manual) is only functional with the standard sequential versions of the program. The MPI implementations are as generic as possible but can fail on unusual options; they come therefore with their own set of tests, identified as bm_mpi*.epx in the test directory. Both standard and MPI implementations can work with the same license.


Operating System MPI Library MEDFile support OpenGL support
Linux x64 (EPX 2025) Intel MPI OK No-OK
Windows x64 (EPX 2025) Intel MPI No-OK OK



Go to licence and download page.