Numerical investigations of water-hammer with column-separation induced by vaporous cavitation using a one-dimensional Finite-Volume approach. F. Daude, AS Tijsseling, P. Galon. Journal of Fluids and Structures, Vol. 83, pp 91-118 (2018)

Comparison of two-fluids models on steam-water transients. H. Lochon, F. Daude, P. Galon, J-M. Hérard. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, Vol. 40, No. 4 (July-August 2016)

On the computation of the Baer-Nunziato model using ALE formulation with HLL-and HLLC-type solvers towards fluid-structure interaction. F. Daude, P. Galon. Journal of Computational Physics, 334:289-230. January 2016

Validation of a two-fluid model on unsteady liquid-vapor water flows, F. Crouzet, F. Daude, P. Galon, J.-M. Hérard, O. Hurisse, Y. Liu, Computers and Fluids, 119:131-142, September 2015.

Numerical experiments using a HLLC-type scheme with ALE formulation for compressible two-phase flows five equation models with phase transition, F. Daude, P. Galon, Z. Gao, E. Blaud, Computers and Fluids, 94:112-138, May 2014.

Mechanical consequences of LOCA in PWR: Full scale coupled 1D/3D simulations with fluid-structure interaction, V. Faucher, F. Crouzet, F. Debaud, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 270:359-278, April 2014.

Advanced parallel strategy for strongly coupled fast transient fluid-structure dynamics with dual management of kinematic constraints, V. Faucher, Advances in Engineering Software, 67:70-89, 2014, published online September 2013.

Extended Vofire Algorithm for Fast Transient Fluid-Structure Dynamics with Liquid-Gas Flows and Interfaces, V. Faucher, S. Kokh, Journal of Fluids and Structures, Volume 39, May 2013, Pages 102-125.

SPH modeling of fluid–solid interaction for dynamic failure analysis of fluid-filled thin shells, F. Caleyron, A. Combescure, V. Faucher, S. Potapov,Journal of Fluids and Structures, Volume 39, May 2013, Pages 126-153.

Deformations- und Bruchverhalten von Verbundsicherheitsglas unter dynamischer Beanspruchung - Eine Übersicht zum Stand der Forschung.
Stefan Kolling, Jens Schneider, Norbert Gebbeken, Martin Larcher, Christian Alter, Johannes Kuntsche, Stahlbau: 81(3) S. 219-225, 2012

Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Laminated Glass Subjected to Blast Loading, Martin Larcher, George Solomos, Folco Casadei, Norbert Gebbeken, International Journal of Impact Engineering 39, pp. 42-50, 2012

Numerical and experimental analysis of transient wave propagation through perforated plates for application to the simulation of LOCA in PWR, V. Faucher, F. Crouzet, P. Piteau, P. Galon, P. Izquierdo, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 253(2), 2012.

Advanced simulation of damage of reinforced concrete structures under impact, L. Daudeville, V. Faucher, S. Potapov, European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 16(9), 2012.

Dynamic Simulation of Damage-Fracture Transition in SPH Shells, F. Caleyron, A. Combescure, V. Faucher, S. Potapov, Int. J. for Num. Meth. In Engrg, 90(6) (2012).

Experimental and numerical simulation activities for the assessment of explosion effects in a train station, George Solomos, Folco Casadei, Georgios Giannopoulos, Martin Larcher, Internal Security 3(1), p 49-62, 2011.

Risk analysis about explosions in train carriages, Martin Larcher, International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation, Vol. 2 (2) pp.110 – 123, 2011.

Simulation of Laminated Glass Loaded by Air Blast Waves, Martin Larcher, Martien Teich, Norbert Gebbeken, George Solomos, Folco Casadei, Grecia A. Falcon, Sonja L. Sarmiento, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 82, 69-74, 2011.

Can Venting Areas Mitigate the Risk Due to Air Blast Inside Railway Carriages ? Martin Larcher, Folco Casadei, George Solomos, Norbert Gebbeken, International Journal of Protective Structures 2(2), p 221-230, 2011.

Simulation terroristischer Anschläge in Massenverkehrsmitteln, Martin Larcher, George Solomos, Folco Casadei, Norbert Gebbeken, Bautechnik 88(4), p. 225-232, 2011.

National and International Conferences

Hybrid parallel strategy for the simulation of fast transient accidental situations at reactor scale, V. Faucher, P. Galon, A. Beccantini, F. Crouzet, F. Debaud, T. Gautier, Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications + Monte Carlo 2013 (SNA + MC), Paris (France), 2013.

X-KAAPI: a Multi Paradigm Runtime for Architectures, T. Gautier, F. Lementec, V. Faucher, B. Raffin, Parallel Programming Models and Systems Software for High-End Computing (P2S2), 2013.

Dynamic Increase Factor of Masonry Materials: Experimental Investigations, Martin Larcher, Norbert Gebbeken, Philipp Bieber, Jens Wandelt, Ngoc ThoTran, Marco Peroni, George Solomos, 15th International Symposium on Interaction of the Effects of Munitions with Structures (ISIEMS), 2013.

Propagation de fissures en 3D et en dynamique rapide, R. Pelee, V. Faucher, T. Elguedj, A. Combescure, B. Prabel, 11ème Colloque National en Calcul des Structures, Giens (France), (2013) May, 13 – 17.

Simulation de l'Accident de Dimensionnent du Confinement dans un réacteur de IVe génération avec une approche parallèle hybride dans EUROPLEXUS, V. Faucher, 11ème Colloque National en Calcul des Structures, Giens (France), (2013) May, 13 – 17.

Contribution of ANR RePDyn project to the parallel simulation of fast transient accidental phenomena at nuclear reactor scale, V. Faucher, Complex Systems Design and Management, CSDM’2012, Paris.

Experimental and numerical investigations about laminated glass loaded by air blast waves, Martin Larcher, Norbert Gebbeken, Martien Teich, George Solomos, G. De Roeck, G. Degrande, G. Lombaert, G. Müller (eds.): Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2011, Leuven, Belgium, 4-6 July 2011, p 3353-3359, 2011.

LOCA Simulation: Analysis of Rarefaction Waves Propagating through Geometric Singularities, F. Crouzet, V. Faucher, P. Piteau, P. Galon, P. Izquierdo, ASME PVP 2011 (2011), Baltimore (USA), July 17 – 21.

Calcul parallèle pour l’interaction fluide-structure en situation explosive, V. Faucher, 10ème Colloque National en Calcul des Structures, Giens (France), (2011) May, 9 – 13.

Advanced Parallel Computing for Explosive Fluid-Structure Interaction, V. Faucher, COMPDYN 2011 (2011), Corfu (Greece), May, 26 – 28.

Strong and weak forms of a fully non-conforming FSI algorithm in fast transient dynamics for blast loading of structures, Folco Casadei, Martin Larcher, Nicolas Leconte, COMPDYN 2011. III ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2011.

Une méthode sans maillage pour la modélisation des interactions fluide-structure : application à la rupture d’un reservoir sous impact, F. Caleyron, A. Combescure, V. Faucher, S. Potapov, 10ème Colloque National en Calcul des Structures, Giens (France), (2011) May, 9 – 13.

Explosive fluid structure interaction using multi-component flows with anti-dissipation, V. Faucher, S. Kokh, ECCM 2010, Paris (France), (2010) May, 16 – 21.

High-Performance Fluid-Structure Interactions for Impacts with Fast Dynamic EUROPLEXUS Software, F. Caleyron, A. Combescure, V. Faucher, S. Potapov, 5th International SPHERIC Workshop, Manchester (UK), (2010) June, 23 – 25.