EPX release notes
Yearly version of EPX comes with a release notes report, describing the corrections made since the previous version as well as developments and new functionalities.
Current version is EPX 2024.0 (built on October, 26th, 2023)
Technical support is available for licensed users :
EPX user's manual
This is the PDF version of the User's Manual corresponding to the yearly EPX version.
Current version is EPX 2024.0 (built on October, 26th, 2023)
Users' Meeting Material
- Agenda and slides from the EPX Users'Meeting held at JRC, Brussels on 2023, June, 06th
- Agenda and slides from the EPX Users'Meeting held at ONERA Lille on 2019, November, 04th
- Agenda and slides from the EPX Users'Meeting held at CEA Saclay on 2018, September, 11th
- Agenda and slides from the EPX Users' Meeting held at EDF Lab Paris Saclay on 2017, June, 13th.
- Agenda and slides from the EPX Users' Meeting held at CEA Saclay on 2015, June, 25th.