EPX news
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2025.0 EPX is out
The 2025.0 version of EPX is now available for both standard and parallel executions. See the release notes in the EPX docs section.
Both Linux x64 and Windows x64 versions are now available for download.
2024.0 EPX is out
The 2024.0 version of EPX is now available for both standard and parallel executions. See the release notes in the EPX docs section.
Linux x64 and Windows x64 versions are available for download.
EPX Users' Meeting 2023
The fifth « EPX Users’ Meeting » was held on June 6th, 2023 at JRC, Brussels, Belgium.
Agenda and slides available here
New EPX video tutorials
Thanks to JRC, video tutorials for beginners to learn how to use Europlexus are now available !
EPX video tutorials (JRC website)
2023.0 EPX is out
The 2023.0 version of EPX is now available for both standard and parallel executions. See the release notes in the EPX docs section.
Linux x64 and Windows x64 are available for download !
2022.0 EPX is out
The 2022.0 version of EPX is now available for both standard and parallel executions. See the release notes in the EPX docs section.
Linux x64 and Windows x64 versions are available for download !
2021.0 EPX is out
The 2021.0 version of EPX is now available for both standard and parallel executions. See the release notes in the EPX docs section.
Linux x64 and Windows x64 versions are available for download !
2020 EPX Users' Meeting Cancelled
The 2020 Users day is cancelled, but we'll be back in full force next year. See you in 2021 !
2020.0 EPX is out
The 2020.0 version of EPX is now available for both standard and parallel executions. See the release notes in the EPX docs section.
Linux x64 and Windows x64 versions are available for download !
EPX Users' Meeting 2019
The fourth « EPX Users’ Meeting » was held on 04 November 2019 at ONERA, Lille, FRANCE.
Agenda, list of participants and slides available here
2019.0 EPX is out
The 2019.0 version of EPX is now available for both standard and parallel executions (Intel MPI). See the release notes in the EPX docs section.
Linux and Windows x64 platforms are supported.
EPX Users' Meeting 2018
The third « EPX Users’ Meeting » was held on 11 September 2018 at CEA Saclay, NeuroSpin, Gif sur Yvette, FRANCE.
Agenda, list of participants and slides available here
2018.0 EPX is out
The 2018.0 version of EPX is now available for both standard and parallel executions (OpenMPI). See the release notes in the EPX docs section.
Linux x64 platform is currently supported. Windows x64 versions are now released (ER and Light versions). Mac OS.X versions are now dropped.
EPX Users' Meeting 2017
Update - agenda, list of participants and slides available here.
The next « EPX Users’ Meeting » will be held on 13 June 2017.
This year, the Users’ Meeting will take place at the « EDF Lab Paris-Saclay » on EDF’s new Campus (Palaiseau, France), and we would like to thank our colleagues from EDF for this kind initiative.
As for the 1st edition, it will be a great opportunity to bring together EPX users and development teams. The meeting will be structured around presentations of recent developments and examples of EPX applications made by the users. We encourage you to present your work stemming from research projects, or industrial applications as these will contribute greatly to fruitful exchanges and will be a key to the success of the Users’ Meeting.
The EPX Team
2017.0 EPX is out
The 2017.0 version of EPX is now available for both standard and parallel executions (OpenMPI, Intel_MPI). See the release notes in the EPX docs section.
Linux x64 platform is currently supported. Windows x64 versions are now released (ER and Light versions). Mac OS.X versions are now dropped.
New visual identity for EPX
EPX now comes with a totally renewed visual identity, composed of a new logo available for download, to be inserted in communications involving the program, and a now color chart and page setup for the current website and the validation and release notes documents.
First EPX Users' Meeting
Update - agenda, list of participants and slides available here.
The first edition of EPX Users' Meeting held in CEA/Saclay on Thursday 2015, June 25th. It gathered around 40 people from 11 companies. The event was built around 8 technical presentations from developers, industrial users and academic researchers and 2 exchange sessions to deepen the bonds between the members of the EPX community.
This event is seen as a success by its participants and should be organized yearly from now, with a widened audience starting from next year.
Getting started with EPX
The slides and exercices from the course given at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona in April, 2013 are now available in the EPX docs section.
They provide theoritical considerations on the algorithms implemented in the program and well-chosen datasets to start with EPX.
New Video Gallery
A video gallery is added to the What is EPX ? section.
EPX receives the French 2013 Grand Prix SFEN
On June 11th, 2013, the 'Grand Prix' of the French Nuclear Energy Society (SFEN) has been attributed to EPX, highlighting its major contribution over the last 30 years to the safety of nuclear reactors submitted to fast transient accidental situation, such as the Loss of Coolant Accident or the Core Disruptive Accident (see Grand Prix SFEN attributed to EPX).
Upcoming and recent events
2015/06/25, Saclay, France: First EPX Users' Meeting.
2014/06/19, Lyon, France: HDR (French accreditation to supervize research) from Vincent Faucher (CEA) on the topic Méthodes numériques et algorithmes parallèles pour la dynamique rapide des systèmes fluide -structure fortement couplés.
2014/02/25, Lyon, France: PhD from Romains Pelée de Saint Maurice (CEA, INSA Lyon) on the topic Dynamic simulation of crack propagation in 3D by X-FEM method.
Recent publications
Numerical investigations of water-hammer with column-separation induced by vaporous cavitation using a one-dimensional Finite-Volume approach. F. Daude, AS Tijsseling, P. Galon. Journal of Fluids and Structures, Vol. 83, pp 91-118 (2018)
Comparison of two-fluids models on steam-water transients. H. Lochon, F. Daude, P. Galon, J-M. Hérard. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, Vol. 40, No. 4 (July-August 2016)
On the computation of the Baer-Nunziato model using ALE formulation with HLL-and HLLC-type solvers towards fluid-structure interaction. F. Daude, P. Galon. Journal of Computational Physics, 334:289-230. January 2016
Validation of a two-fluid model on unsteady liquid-vapor water flows, F. Crouzet, F. Daude, P. Galon, J.-M. Hérard, O. Hurisse, Y. Liu, Computers and Fluids, 119:131-142, September 2015.
Numerical experiments using a HLLC-type scheme with ALE formulation for compressible two-phase flows five equation models with phase transition, F. Daude, P. Galon, Z. Gao, E. Blaud, Computers and Fluids, 94:112-138, May 2014.
Mechanical consequences of LOCA in PWR: Full scale coupled 1D/3D simulations with fluid-structure interaction, V. Faucher, F. Crouzet, F. Debaud, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 270:359-278, April 2014.
Advanced parallel strategy for strongly coupled fast transient fluid-structure dynamics with dual management of kinematic constraints, V. Faucher, Advances in Engineering Software, 67:70-89, 2014, published online September 2013.